With our population ageing, the commercial opportunities and consumer demand for age-inclusive brands, services, and products is growing at an exponential rate.
But whilst this space is ripe with opportunity, it's also filled with pitfalls. And in order to tap into it successfully and future-proof, you can't afford to get it wrong.
Here our founder & CEO Jacynth Bassett emphasises the importance of consistency and authenticity, and not to underestimate savvy consumers.
The key? Age inclusivity must be embedded into a brand's DNA, encompassing everything from an age-inclusive social media presence, to visuals, campaigns, websites, teams, products, services and more. It also requires age-inclusive language and narratives, not just visual representation, that genuinely speak the language of inclusivity.
So it’s not enough to appear age-inclusive; brands must authentically embody it.
At Ageism Is Never In Style, we’re proud to partner with brands through our consultancy services, including our expert workshops and audits, helping them expertly navigate this space - one that's ripe with opportunity
Email us at Partnerships@AgeismIsNeverInStyle.com to find out more about how we can work with you as we continue to inspire externally and innovate internally.